Quinine Recipe

Peel 2-3 grapefruits and 1-2 lemons (if you don’t have any lemons, the grapefruits alone is fine).

Save the peelings, place them in a large pot with a heavy lid on it.

Cover with water at least 3 inches above the peelings (they’ll float, so you have to eyeball it).

Bring the peels to a boil. Once they’re boiling, lower the heat to just a simmer and let it simmer for at least 2 hours.

Do not lift the lid! You do not want to let any steam escape.

Once it has boiled for two hours, take it off the heat and let it cool for another couple of hours. Again, do not remove the lid!

Once it is cool, you will have a nice yellowish water to pour into jars.

During cold and flu season, I take a Tablespoon or two of this liquid everyday. If I feel a cold coming on, or if I feel under the weather, I take a tablespoon or two a couple of times a day. You can add a drop of zinc to help your cells absorb this liquid quickly.

disclaimer: this is not a prescription or medical advice. This is a recipe for quinine which you can find in tonic water. But, it works like a charm for me and I want to share it with you.